無法道別的的親人 The Loved One that you can’t say goodbye to



























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The Loved One that you can’t say goodbye to

As the coronavirus is wreaking havoc around the world, everyone is faced with the reality of living a different lifestyle; one that has never been experienced before. Many new immigrants or friends who work abroad cannot go back to their hometowns. Over the past year, most of my friends and clients have witnessed the untimately departure of family and close friends taken from this world too soon by this virus. The author has also experienced the pain of being unable to return home to say goodbye and grieve the loss of beloved family members and pets. Due to this pandemic, our adaptation to the mourning process will be more difficult than ever.

After experiencing this major event, the following phenomena may occur:

●Lost Sense of reality

It is possible that you will experience strong sense of denial, because you can’t directly feel the absence of the deceased family member when you have been living in separate countrie. Furthermore, our inability to physically participate in the farewell ceremony of the deceased makes it hard for us to embody the experience of their absence. Therefore, we experience a lost sense of reality about the passing (away) of the deceased.

When we returned to our hometown, to the scene where we often interact with the deceased family member, our sadness may potentially, emerge slowly. Hence, we may experience the so-called delayed grief. In our daily life, we may be accustomed to sharing life’s moments, photos, etc. with the deceased loved one. Since this has become second nature to us, even after their demise, we may find ourselves impulsively sharing our lives with this person only to be hit hard by a sense of loss as the reality that they are no longer with us kicks in.

●Seeing something related to the deceased, will trigger emotions

When our current living environment is separate from that of the deceased, the loss may not directly affect your current lives. However, suddenly seeing a gift or photos from the deceased or other objects related to the deceased may trigger a flood of emotions.

I’ve personally experienced a surge of sad emotions in the past when a casual scroll on my phone, I remembered that a deceased family member baked the cake on the photo and right at that moment I was hit by a wave of grief.


Many immigrants will blame themselves when they experience the illness or loss of a loved one. It’s very common for them to put the blame of being unable to take care of their sick family members or see them for the last time on themselves and their decision to work abroad in the first place. Generally, going through the mourning process should be able to help minimize people’s regret over their past decisions. At this time, you need to empathize with yourself and to re-affirm yourself by telling yourself that the decision to work or live abroad

was in your best interest. For instance, for a better future, life and generous income, these are all the benefits that your family have enjoyed. So focus on these benefits and on what this decision has meant to you and your family.

●A certain part of yourself has left with the deceased

This is how I personally experienced the passing on of my two pet dogs. Growing up, my parents were busy working, so they rarely accompanied me. Therefore, when my two pet dogs that were my childhood companions passed away while I was working abroad. I felt like part of me left with them. However, I choose to hold on to the inner most memories I shared with them. Many people who have lost a partner or significant others find themselves in the same situation.

So how can I calm down or adapt to the life of the loss?

●Accept and experience the grief

When you slowly begin to realize that the other person has really passed on and that they are no longer part of your daily life, you will feel a sense of brokeness and sadness. You may need find the right time and space to process your sad emotions. This is critical to your recovery.

Although you may not realize it yet, these emotions will definitely affect your daily life.

Because being abroad prevents you from participating in the farewell or in other ceremonies

If necessary, let your boss or close friends in your country of residence understand you are grieving. If time permits, take the day off, to experience, accept and process your own grief.

Keep in mind that this requires a long period of adaptation. It may even take many years for this kind of pain to gradually fade over time. So please give yourself plenty of time to adapt to the sadness. If the sadness does not fade over time, please seek professional assistance.

●Adjust to the “new”world (environment) of living without the deceased

When the deceased passes on, you will begin to realize the role he/she played in your life. When this happens, you need to think of ways to re-adapt or learn a new way of life. That may mean re-assigning the responsibilities and tasks that were previously handled by the deacesed. In addition, spouses may feel that they have lost an intimate partner who accompanied them and share their daily bites. This kind of internal adaptation requires time to normalize everything. The loss may also affect the remaining loved ones’ sense of self, in essence their self-image. It is important to remind yourself that it will take time to adapt and ascribe different meanings to your new identity without your loved one.

●Spread and Inherit the good personality from the deceased

Many foreign workers or immigrants often experienced a deep sense of self-blame for not being able to accompany and take care of the deceased. Remember that, there are valid reasons for why you were unable to accompany the deceased.I invite you to think about the traits and personalities of the deceased that you liked the most during their life on earth? How did interacting with the deceased profoundly impact your life? There must be an important role that they played in your life. Maybe, you liked how they treated you, their attitude towards you, and even what they taught you. You can take these things, integrate them to your personality and carry on your loved one’s legacy of treating others well. Spread the warmth.

●Mental preparation for going back to your hometown

Returning to your hometown from your country of residence will bring a great sense of loss. When you see the environment where the deceased lived, the actual scene of the memories that you shared with them; unexpected waves of grief may overwhelm you. At this time, you can practice just sitting with your feelings of the experience of loss. If necessary, you can talk to your relatives or friends about your feelings as a result of losing the deceased family member.

Thank yourself for reading this article first. You are great~

The mourning process is a journey, and recovery may take time. You and I both know that this period marks the beginning of a very painful process. At times, it can feel like stitching up an open wound, only to experience some irritation when the wound opens up again. Therefore, we need to take time, take care of and heal this wound. I believe that you can do it, now it’s a matter of you believing that you can also do it, okay?

“Only people who are capable of loving strongly can also suffer great sorrow, but this same necessity of loving serves to counteract their grief and heals them” --Tolstoy



Elephas- 黃愉凱 諮商心理師

會選擇大象為LOGO是因為大象的意義主要涉及力量、榮譽、穩定和韌性等等。從印度教的思維大象是一種祝福。Elephas maximus是亞洲象的學名,所以取名為Elephas。希望讀者可以重新找到力量、穩定與韌性。黃愉凱(Yufrica)是一位印尼華僑,臺師大心輔所畢業。目前為大專院校諮商心理師。